Known as the "Watermelon Capitol of the World," Rush Springs has hosted an annual Watermelon Festival since the 1940s. Today, watermelon seems to be its largest claim to fame; unless of course, you count its most notable nice people. Yes, I am talking nice, good, solid people. The kind of people that make good friends. I speak from experience because my good friend,
Walter Terrell hails from the watermelon Capitol of the World! Now I realize, some may see us as an unlikely friendship. It is not like we are 2 guys going fishing or two girls shopping. No, I never played professional basketball. Walt played like a pro, with the pros (it wasn't until his late 70's that he racked his knee). Walt spent his fair time in the oil and gas jobs; my dad paid my college tuition while working an oil and gas job. I have never visited a prison; Walt was a prison warden before he began his real estate career. An interesting man whose life's road maps have taken a lot of twists and turns. No better man, you will you meet.
Today is Walt's birthday. A few of his friends will gather to wish him the best. If you are in the area, please stop by Park on Main today from 3 to 5 and say hi to Walt. If you cannot drop by, give Walt a call to say Happy Birthday. He can be reached at 405-820-1485.
Happy Birthday, my friend, and many more.
I can say a hearty AMEN to that! Sharp as ever and one of the most solid friends you could ever find! Rush Springs and Mama & Papa Terrell did somethin' right! Walt, may you have the most Blessed year of your life in 2012!!! Sharon