OK, I just spent the last 1 hour and 47 minutes in sheer misery. Again, I thought I was just "too smart" to ask a question! Again, I refused to even consider someone may have blazed this same, simple trail! After all, there are a gazillion-plus Facebook-ers; my idea was likely not original. All I wanted was a page to gather my following of past and present clients and customers. A database, of sorts. Simple enough, I just wanted them to "like" my page. Now "like" is the hard part----if--, (and I stress) IF you don't know what you are doing! In fact, had I spent 147 hours, without consulting the "expert", I may have never accomplished the task! Out of sheer desperation, I gave up and texted the person I knew would know the answer, sweet April Miller. April is my FB "go to", when my ego allows! In less than 3 minutes, April helped me create my fan page with the "LIKE" symbol. It really was not difficult but you did need to know HOW to do it.
Funny, how that works!
Real Estate works the same way. We are all semi-experts, but none of us are total experts in all areas of the real estate game. Really, think about it--
- You may know how to sell a house; what if it is on a private road, do you know how to finance it? Jenna does.
- Do you know the HUD NAID number and who signs the contract? Tyler does
- How about the inventory of a convenience store, included in, or out of the sales price? Better ask Jim.
- Mobile homes--any foundation approved by HUD? Check with _________(no one wants this call ,so ask your lender).
- What if you represent a seller who is wrongly refusing to release earnest money? Betty has walked this road!
We all have pieces of knowledge of the real estate industry. It is our sharing that makes our knowledge complete. Remember, as they say "others have gone before us!"
Thank you April for sharing with me today.
We have a couple of pretty good brains we we all pool our resources, don't we?