Saturday, October 29, 2011

It Really is the BEST Time for a Realtor! or a Buyer! or a Seller!

Yesterday was an eye opener.  I called the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission to get some "info" for a  real estate resume.  A girl named Carrie, seemed nice enough, but when I asked her what year I became licensed, she began to insult me.  Her somewhat, questionable reply was "Could I have your number? I will need to do some research."  Well, you know me, I had to ask ---yep, you guessed it.  Their computers did not go back that far!!! (Or so she said.)  She called back, in less than an  hour, to inform me that I had just had a birthday.  Yes, Oct 2, I "celebrated" 27 years in the real estate business!  I was shocked, I really thought I was in my teens when I go my license.  Oh well, happy birthday to me!  Life Happens Fast!
I guess I will stick with this career.  I will not deny that I have not perused the job postings and I always come to the same conclusion:  "What else could I do, that could make me as much money, as fast as real estate CAN?"  I always come back to the fact, that ONE phone call could change my life.  One phone call has made a big difference on several occasions. So far I am waiting (as I continue to work) on the instant fix!!!!  I tell you all this, to say ("cause some body's gotta"),  I am excited  about a couple of things and these are things all homeowners and professionals should know. 
  1. It is the best time EVER in my career to buy a house!!!! Houses are very affordable and interest rates are the lowest ever.  As a Realtor, you can have a fulfilling career.  As a buyer--YOU CAN SCORE!!!!!!!!   Neither of these things will happen if you wait for that one phone call--it really is up to you!
  2. As a Seller or a Realtor you will find the market is flooded with confusion.  BUT--the TRUTH is--and I am a gonna tell you because "somebody has to", the federal government has help BUT you have to demand it                                                                                                                               There are 2 programs, first, if you are one of the 15 million homes "underwater", find out about the HARP, this is a refinance option for those whose homes have lost value (over-mortgaged).  Your Realtor or your Lender can help you!  The HAMP is another program for those behind on their mortgages,  in need of a interest reduction or a fixed rate.  Be aware, your first phone call will likely engage you in rage with a robot (e voice), or someone who is paid to get you off the phone--I sometimes think these folks are "bonused" if you yell, cry or hang-up!  BE Persistent, BE the squeaky wheel!  Homeowners, should take their "bad" and make it good. today"  Realtors, should be a fountain of information.  Everyone--be aware, Knowledge is power and that knowledge is a phone call or a google away.
Now, if you are a Realtor, and you still have missed the value of these economic times for your business---here are the Cliff Notes!  If you like to work with buyers, stay aware of the low interest rates and the declining values.  If you like to work with sellers, not only does the same apply, but you have the added advantage of many, many sellers, selling for the first time.  The incentive programs for the first time buyer have now created a first time seller glut.  These folks need YOU to help them learn what they don't know! 

Get aboard, get ahead, as they say "this train has left the station," for me, that was 27 years ago this month! "Just saying . . ."

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Have a great weekend!

Image: luigi diamanti /

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