Dear Realtor Friends,
According to yesterday's world news you and I no longer have a job.
If you are waiting for the "comeback," forget it. Intergrated Asset Services reported that home prices were down .2 % for the third quarter. If you decide to stay on, this certainly indicates you should expect a pay cut.
Interest rates are a career low, but what's the use? If no one is buying, no one needs a loan. I guess we could refi our homes and get ready for the lean months ahead, but alas, no income does not usually translate into a good probablity of obtaining a home loan.
Ok, so "stop the presses" and go get an "rj." (RJ is a term used by people working on commission.) Translation, "real job!" Wham! What? Just when life does seems most hopeless; the AP reports that available jobs have fallen for the second straight month. So, bad news, the reality is, there are no jobs for people like you and I.
So what to do? Let's examine the possibilities. First option would be the "easy button." My knee jerk reaction is to "keep doing what I am doing." It seems I heard somewhere if I keep "doing what I am doing," I will probably "get what I'm getting" This would be unacceptable for me, but it is a choice we have. As they say, "it's back to the drawing board." Hmmm, I could get a paper route. Yeah, the hours are great. On second thought, it would seem the print media business might also be on the decline. I think I've heard more peole are turning to the internet for their news. Maybe a paper route is out, just based on the job stability, not to mention the pay.
Wow, the world for a good Realtor is really bleak. Maybe I will just stay home and clean the garage. Probably not in my financial interest to do that either
So there is only one good answer for me. I will take charge of my life and career. What if no one called today or yesterday to see a house? I am still in the real estate business. My income depends upon my ability to change courses and reach for a higher level. Today, I will do a couple of bpo's, look at a couple of homes--possible flips, read a few real estate blogs and basically see what the rest of the world is doing to stay productive in the industry. I need to plan for the future with the realization that things will be better than ever, but they certainly will not remain the same!
Yours for a Better Future,
PS I love a good challenge; how about you?
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